VitaminD3Word now offers a diagnostic kit from ZRT labs so that you can test your Vitamin D levels in the convenience of your own home, anywhere in the world. This test measures calcidiol 25 (OH) D levels, which is the storage form of Vitamin D. 25(OH) levels, truly reflect your Vitamin D status. Many tests measure total Vitamin D status which is not helpful.
What you will receive:
The kit contains a complete set of instruction.
What you have to do:
1) Wipe finger tip to be used with alcohol pad and allow to dry
2) Remove clear cap from lancet and position the red end against the fingertip (nick the finger slightly off center as shown in the video below)
3) Press the lancet firmly until it clicks
4) Quickly wipe away the first drop of blood with the sterile gauze pad
5) Position lanced finger over the blood spot card and gently milk blood from the finger
6) As a blood drop forms, and is ready to fall, touch the blood drop to the center of the circle
7) Collect only one drop per circle. Usable drops must be about 1cm wide and saturate through the
filter paper. Four drops of blood must be collected- if you have trouble collecting enough blood, choose another finger and continue using the second lancet. Please note the blotter provided can collect up to 12 spots of blood, only four are needed for the Vitamin D test. This test kit is used for other tests that require 12 drops of blood. For Vitamin D tests you only need to produce 4 drops.
8) Let spots air dry for at least 30 minutes. Once dry, close the flap over the blood spots
9) Print name and collection date on the blood spot card
10) Place blood spot card and completed requisition form in the bag provided, and send by first class mail to the address provided on the return envelope: ZRT Laboratories, 8605 SW Creekside Place, Beaverton. OR 97008 USA
11) When the laboratory receives your sample you will be sent an e mail with instructions on how to access your results on line. Your results will also be sent to you by e mail as soon as they are ready and you will receive a hard copy of the results in the mail.
12) You will have your results in about one week in the US and in about 7-10 working days in the rest of the world.
When having Vitamin D levels checked, you should be aware that there are several forms of vitamin D in the body and the one that reflects body stores is Calcidiol, 25(OH) D. This is the only one that should be measured and is the one measured by this test.
Total Vitamin D or Calitriol 1, 25(OH) 2D3 levels do not give a true representation of your body stores and are of little value. (1)
Vitamin D levels are quoted either in terms of ng/ml or nmol/l , the conversion factor is 2.5, i.e. 1ng/ml=2.5nmol/l
Vitamin D levels for guidance
Deficient <20ng/ml
Insufficient <38ng/ml