About Us 

This site was written, and is maintained by Dr Nigel Rulewski MB, BS, DRCOG, DCH. a graduate of St Bartholomew's Medical School, University of London, UK. 

A physician with experience in multiple medical specialties, he spent over 30 years in the pharmaceutical industry as a chief medical officer gaining unusually broad drug development experience in both the USA and Europe.  

His interest in orthomolecular medicine as initiated by Linus Pauling, and the urgent need to improve the uptake and utilization of Vitamin D3 led to the development the not-for-profit organization VitaminD3World and this website.

Contact Us
Natural Products Corporation (vitaminD3world)
9 East Loockerman St, Suite 3A-250
Dover DE 19901

By e mail: contact@vitaminD3world.com

Copyright and Permissions
All content on the VitaminD3World web site is fully copyrighted.  However, permission is considered on an individual basis and usually granted. Please send an e-mail to contact@vitaminD3world.com
with your specific request.
Thank you.